Association By-Laws
ADOPTED on October 31, 2009
It has been constituted in, October 31, 2009, an association governed by the Dahir No. 1-58-376 of 3 Jumada (November 15, 1958) regulating the right of association and the various laws in force. It is called the "Moroccan Biosafety Association" abbreviated as "MOBSA".
The objectives of the Moroccan Biosafety Association are: a-promote biosafety as a scientific discipline through education and research b-Establish and strengthen ties and scientific exchange and learning among members. c-sensitize civil society and governments on issues related to biosafety and biosecurity, including the risks of dual use research in life sciences and new advances in biotechnology. d-Contributing to the wide dissemination of studies, surveys and information at National and International through a website and edition of outreach brochures. e-Organizing congresses, conferences and scientific symposia, national or international. On the other hand, MOBSA can put its expertise at the disposal of government in view of enabling them to take appropriate decisions on Biosafety and biosecurity along the spectrum of biological risks and that in the 3 following key elements: 1 - Develop and maintain professional standards in the field of biosafety 2 - Provide support in communicating biosafety and biotechnology, education and participation in the development of biosafety standards, guidelines and regulations 3 - Increase awareness on biosafety and promoting development of best working practices in classified and unclassified laboratories, equipment, facilities and hazardous waste management in view of reducing the risk of illnesses and the negative impact of infectious agents and biological materials on our environment.
The Moroccan Biosafety Association was established for an unlimited period.
The Moroccan Biosafety Association may establish cooperative relationships with other national and international associations with similar goals and interests. It can also join any other association pursuing the same goals and make twinning arrangements with similar associations outside of Morocco.
The Moroccan Biosafety Association is based in the Faculty of Sciences of Tétouan, University Abdelmalek Essaâdi. B.P. 2121 M'Hannech II-93002, Tetouan. This seat can be transferred elsewhere by decision of the General Assembly.
a-categories of members: - Active member: The active membership is granted by the Executive board to any person involved in biosecurity, biosafety and other related field, and being in order vis-à-vis the payment of annual membership fees. - Member of honor: the title of honorary member is assigned by the Executive board to any person or entity that may be of added value to the association. - Associate Member: the title of associate membership may be conferred by the Executive board to any person not fulfilling the conditions for active member. b - Loss of membership: membership is lost by: * Written resignation to the President of the association. * Failure to pay an annual fee. * Cancellation made by the Executive Board due to a serious cause.
The main bodies of the association are: a-The General Assembly: It is constituted by all active members. It is convened by the President. b-The Executive board: Leads the association and decide on applications for accession of new members. It is responsible to the General Assembly. c-specialized working groups. They are created by the Executive Board as necessary. d-regional and international correspondents.
The General Assembly is the highest body of the association. a- It takes place in ordinary session once every three years. It may be accompanied by a scientific event. The general meeting may be convened in special session at the request of its President or two thirds of active members of the Association. The GA enjoys the same prerogatives as that ordinary meeting. b-The place and date of the General Assembly are set by the President. c-The invitation to the General Assembly is personalized (by email, sms, etc..) and accompanied by the agenda, it is sent to members (15 days minimum) before the date fixed for the General Assembly. Other items may be added to the agenda at the request of at least one third of the members. d-The General Assembly is legal if at least half the members of the association are present. If a quorum is not reached, a second General Assembly is convened a week later and deliberate whatever the number present. The resolutions are adopted by an absolute majority of those present. e-The General Assembly elects the members of the Executive board. The General Assembly sets the annual financial contribution which begins in January. f - The General Assembly has a crucial role. Only the General Assembly may amend the statute. g-The General Assembly adopt, after discussion, the moral and financial report.
The Executive Board consists of at least seven members. a-The President: He presides over the deliberations of the General Assembly and Executive board. He speaks on behalf of the Association in line with the directives and resolutions of the General Assembly. He represents the Association vis-à-vis the authorities. b-The Vice-President: He replaces the President in his absence. The President may, if necessary, instruct one to two Vice-Chairmen of other missions. c-The Secretary General is responsible for the daily administration of the Association. He is the guarantor of records and documents of the Association including minutes of the General Assembly. d-The Vice-Secretary General. It replaces the Secretary General in his absence e-Treasurer: He is responsible for financial management and accounts of the Association. His signature with the President’s are sufficient for deposits and withdrawals from bank accounts of the Association. f-Two to four counselors.
The Executive Board is to oversee the administration of the Association and the execution of the Associations programs. It is responsible to the General Assembly. a-Its members are elected by active members for four years renewable by hands raised. b-The executive board meets at least 1 every 3 months or whenever the need requires. c- Vacation of office: the office shall appoint to the vacancy a person from among its active members.
An internal Rules of procedure will be adopted by the Executive Board.
The finances of the association shall consist of:
– Annual membership fee plus membership rights.
– Bequests, donations, grants from public bodies, private national or international.
– Recipes for various activities.
– The money of the association shall be deposited in an account in its name.
Only the General Assembly, meeting in regular or special session is called to decide on changing the status on proposal of the Executive board or the majority of active members. The General Assembly deliberates as defined in Article 8. If a quorum is not reached, it is again called for one week intervals and then can validly deliberate regardless of the number present. Decisions will be taken by majority present or represented, knowing that a member may have no more than one justified procurator per year.
In case of dissolution, the Extraordinary General Assembly, constituted as defined in Article 13 designate commissioners (at least 2), in charge of liquidating the assets of the Association. Net assets are allocated to charities as defined in Article 37 of the Dahir No. 1 -58-376 dated November 15, 1958.